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The Shallow Imprint of Christianity:
A Crisis of Depth and Substance.
By Engr. Chigozie Chukwuemeka Ononiwu

Christianity's sprawling presence in developing economies belies a stark reality – its impact is woefully superficial. The faith's extensive reach has not translated into meaningful transformation, leaving a trail of unfulfilled potential in its wake.

This shallowness is exposed by:
- A glaring disconnect between profession and practice.
- A preoccupation with dogma over tangible action.
- A failure to confront and address systemic injustices.
- A lack of genuine discipleship and spiritual growth.
- A deafening silence on hunger and poverty, despite Christ's explicit teachings.
- Neglect of community development, leaving marginalized communities to fend for themselves.
- The prosperity gospel's perversion, where showmanship and materialism masquerade as divine blessing.

Many self-proclaimed men of God flaunt their wealth, building empires while their congregations suffer. This is a travesty. The gospel's transformative power is reduced to a mere spectacle, as the needy are left to struggle.

But there's a more profound issue at play – the intermediation of our relationship with God. We've been led to believe that we need institutions, buildings, and hierarchies to connect with our Creator. This is a lie. Every individual should have an unfettered, direct, and personal relationship with God, unencumbered by religion, buildings, or infrastructure.

In the end, we'll each stand before our Creator, alone and unaided. No pastor, no priest, no imam will be there to intercede. It's time to strip away the pretenses and cultivate a genuine, one-on-one connection with God.

The crisis of depth and substance within Christianity demands urgent attention. It's time to move beyond superficial religiosity and embrace a faith that:
- Feeds the hungry.
- Clothes the naked.
- Shelters the homeless.
- Empowers the marginalized.
- Challenges unjust systems.
- Fosters authentic community.
- Encourages direct, personal relationships with God.

Anything less is mere window dressing, a thin veneer of piety masking a profound lack of substance. The status quo is unacceptable. We must confront the shallowness head-on, cultivating a Christianity that is robust, relevant, and revolutionary.
