Venezuela l\une des pires catastrophes économiques du monde, orchestré par l\oncle Sam et entretenu par l\oligarchie locale.
Venezuela l\une des pires catastrophes économiques du monde, orchestré par l\oncle Sam et entretenu par l\oligarchie locale.
Idriss Aberkan : L\ économie de la connaissance, comme la connerie la connaissance est infinie...
Eh you guys, RedBull drunker, you will soon be jobless, so you will have good time to drink more RedBull
When you look how this RedBull drunker are threating our cargo at airport luggage service, it's definitely clear that we need Robots take over their jobs as soon as possible 😭
TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023.
AFRICA Time to Shine: Africa’s BIGGEST sporting event kicked-off on Saturday: TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023: Africa’s biggest event, #totalenergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023 kicked-off on Saturday at the Alassane Ouattara Stadium in Ebimpe.
The opening match was live in over 170 territories globally – making it one of the biggest events in international sport. Tickets for the match between hosts, Cote d’Ivoire and Guinea-Bissau were sold out.
The opening ceremony of the competition started at 18h00 GMT (20h00 Cairo, 21h00 Nairobi, 19h00 Casablanca).
Football fans in #africa, #asia, #europe, #southamerica, #northamerica, #southpacific and the #caribbeans are able to follow all the action live. Over 110 broadcasters have concluded the rights for the TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023.
The TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023 is the biggest sporting event in AFRICA.
Cote d'Ivoire secure 2-0 victory over Guinea-Bissau in #afcon 2023 opener
#transformingafrica #theafricawewant #afcfta #brandafrica #au #gdp #investment #africa #africameansbusiness #thisisafrica #diaspora #it #oneafrica #auc #transafricanhighway #smes #creatingoneafricanmarket #invest #tariffs #theafcftaeffect #trade #ai #africarising #fdi #intraafricantrade #agenda2063 #partnerships #afcftatv #wb #buildbackbetter #investinafrica #africanunity #imf #wto #afdb #tradenotaid #afcftatrading #traveltoafrica #cfta #saatm #tradeinafrica #tradeunderafcfta #joinafcfta #africaonthemove #infrastructure #tourism #visitafrica #madeinafrica #afcftasecretariat #panafricanism #investors #papss #zlecaf #africansolutionstoafricanproblems #growth #betterafricabetterworld #strongertogether #afreximbank #unitedunderafcfta #afcfta2024 #africa2024 #africayeswecan
TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023.
AFRICA Time to Shine: Africa’s BIGGEST sporting event kicked-off on Saturday: TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023: Africa’s biggest event, #totalenergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023 kicked-off on Saturday at the Alassane Ouattara Stadium in Ebimpe.
The opening match was live in over 170 territories globally – making it one of the biggest events in international sport. Tickets for the match between hosts, Cote d’Ivoire and Guinea-Bissau were sold out.
The opening ceremony of the competition started at 18h00 GMT (20h00 Cairo, 21h00 Nairobi, 19h00 Casablanca).
Football fans in #africa, #asia, #europe, #southamerica, #northamerica, #southpacific and the #caribbeans are able to follow all the action live. Over 110 broadcasters have concluded the rights for the TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023.
The TotalEnergies CAF Africa Cup of Nations Cote d’Ivoire 2023 is the biggest sporting event in AFRICA.
Cote d'Ivoire secure 2-0 victory over Guinea-Bissau in #afcon 2023 opener
#transformingafrica #theafricawewant #afcfta #brandafrica #au #gdp #investment #africa #africameansbusiness #thisisafrica #diaspora #it #oneafrica #auc #transafricanhighway #smes #creatingoneafricanmarket #invest #tariffs #theafcftaeffect #trade #ai #africarising #fdi #intraafricantrade #agenda2063 #partnerships #afcftatv #wb #buildbackbetter #investinafrica #africanunity #imf #wto #afdb #tradenotaid #afcftatrading #traveltoafrica #cfta #saatm #tradeinafrica #tradeunderafcfta #joinafcfta #africaonthemove #infrastructure #tourism #visitafrica #madeinafrica #afcftasecretariat #panafricanism #investors #papss #zlecaf #africansolutionstoafricanproblems #growth #betterafricabetterworld #strongertogether #afreximbank #unitedunderafcfta #afcfta2024 #africa2024 #africayeswecan
Eat healthy for a better life
How many animals humans kind eat every year it
Can I have your pay-pass, ok here is my paper. Oga I say pay-pass..
Audi\s AI trail Concept !
A concept car that comes with five drones to light up your route!
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