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*Africa's lack of addresses must be addressed*
Caleb Maru & Sheriff Alimi
August 21, 2024

[...]Across the world, addresses are how we find our way around.

Places have names, street numbers, and postal codes.

But in Africa, it’s not that simple.

In Cape Verde, 90% of streets don’t have names.

And for a long time, Tanzania had only 173,000 postal boxes to 65 million people.

Zoom out across Africa, and there are 440 million people without a physical address.

This creates a host of problems:

People get locked out of the formal economy - they can’t transact freely, get bank loans easily or receive deliveries

It’s harder for emergency services to find people

And businesses have a harder time serving their customers.

Three months ago, Nigerian fintechs had to spend $1 million to physically verify 1.5 million POS agents - or risk being on the bad side of the law.[...]


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Africa's lack of addresses must be addressed