20 Most Common Investing Mistakes

This infographic is primarily geared toward public equity investing.

The 20 concepts are practical, and some bleed over into the world of cognitive biases, which I'll also hopefully have time to delve a little deeper into within the next few weeks.

Here's a summary of the 20 mistakes:

1. Expecting Too Much
2. No Investment Goals
3. Not Diversifying
4. Focusing on the Short Term
5. Buying High and Selling Low
6. Trading Too Much
7. Paying Too Much in Fees
8. Focusing Too Much on Taxes
9. Not Reviewing Investments Regularly
10. Misunderstanding Risk
11. Not Knowing Your Performance
12. Reacting to the Media
13. Forgetting About Inflation
14. Trying to Time the Market
15. Not Doing Due Diligence
16. Working With the Wrong Advisor
17. Investing With Emotions
18. Chasing Yield
19. Neglecting to Start
20. Not Controlling What You Can
Great Insight: over the past 22 years, I've observed a common mistake among investors committing between $20 million to USD 5 billion, where 99% fall into the trap of serial no 1: High expectations. Mostly, in such cases, most ventures make small money, and soon, the startup (turned into a large corporation) starts playing musical chairs.

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