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AFRICA Longest Highway: From Egypt ?? to Cape Town ??
In case you missed it: AFRICA’s longest HIGHWAY is scheduled to be inaugurated in 2024 - what you should know: The Egyptian Ministry of Transport (MoT) seeks to complete/inaugurate the “Cairo-Cape Town” Highway (CCTH) this year.

The CCTH is scheduled to pass through 11 African countries at a length of 10,228 kilometers, of which 1,155 kilometers are in Egypt.

The highway will aid in shortening #travel time between north and southern Africa to an average of five days, fulfilling the dream to link #cairo and South Africa.

The CCTH begins from the port of #alexandria on the #mediterraneansea, passing through Cairo to #sudan #southsudan #ethiopia #tanzania #kenya #zambia #zimbabwe #botswana and #southafrica.

The highway passes through the governorates of Fayoum, Beni Suef, Minya, #assiut, #sohag, #qena, #luxor and #aswan in Egypt.

The #mot signed an #agreement with the Sudanese Ministry of Transport in October 2020, a joint cooperation document to build a #railway line.

It aims to provide the necessary financing and start an economic, social and environmental #feasibilitystudy for the railway link project between Egypt and Sudan, which will extend in its first phase from the city of Aswan to the south of Wadi Halfa.

Funding shall be through coordination and cooperation between Egypt, Sudan and the #kuwaitfund for Economic Development.

The CCTH project is of great importance in achieving land linkage and increasing trade with African countries, as well as serving Egyptian and African citizens, opening new horizons for #job opportunities and achieving comprehensive development.

South Africa had previously expressed its keenness on joint cooperation with Egypt in the various fields of transport and the increase of trade between African countries through a comprehensive vision in all fields, including the #transport sector.

This comes especially as the #africancontinentalfreetradearea (AfCFTA) Agreement provides great opportunities for cooperation between African countries – the transport sector remains the biggest factor that will contribute effectively to the implementation of these ambitions.

#transformingafrica, one #highway at a time.

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Egypt 🇪🇬 Ethiopia 🇪🇹 Botswana 🇧🇼 Kenya 🇰🇪 Tanzania 🇹🇿 Zambia 🇿🇲 Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 and South Africa 🇿🇦 are #afcfta member countries

#unitedunderafcfta #afcfta2024

#theafricawewant #afcfta #brandafrica #au #gdp #investment #africa #africameansbusiness #thisisafrica #diaspora #oneafrica #auc #transafricanhighway #smes #africa2024 #creatingoneafricanmarket #tariffs #theafcftaeffect #trade #ai #africarising #fdi #intraafricantrade #agenda2063 #partnerships #afcftatv #wb #buildbackbetter #investinafrica #africanunity #saatm #tradeinafrica #tradeunderafcfta
Source: Mark-Anthony Johnson’s LinkedIn Post

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L’argent et le bonheur:
Pourquoi la vingtaine est le meilleur moment pour s’enrichir

L’argent et le bonheur | Pourquoi la vingtaine est le meilleur moment pour s’enrichir | La Presse

L’argent et le bonheur | Pourquoi la vingtaine est le meilleur moment pour s’enrichir | La Presse

Dans L’argent et le bonheur, notre journaliste Nicolas Bérubé offre chaque dimanche ses réflexions sur l’enrichissement. Ses textes sont envoyés en infolettre le lendemain.
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Researchers say we are entering the Fifth Industrial Revolution that sees humans and AI-powered machines work together - a far cry from the 1780s industry's steam pumps

Researchers say we are entering the Fifth Industrial Revolution that sees humans and AI-powered machines work together - a far cry from the 1780s industry's steam pumps | Daily Mail Online

Researchers say we are entering the Fifth Industrial Revolution that sees humans and AI-powered machines work together - a far cry from the 1780s industry's steam pumps | Daily Mail Online

Scientists, engineers and business leaders are preparing for a 'previously unimaginable' merging between human beings and AI. Some call it 'the Cognitive Age.'
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> L'homme et la femme sont complémentaires.

> La femme engendre la vie, et l'homme la préserve.

> Le féminin sacré est plus proche du divin.

> La filiation et la succession sont matrilinéaires.

> La femme soutient l'exercice du pouvoir et participe à la vie en communauté.



Camille Aubain LAGUEU is feeling Cool
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Le patron de @IgniteTech a licencié tous ses collaborateurs qui n’utilisent pas l'IA générative (GPT4) pour améliorer leurs travaux et livrables.

Trouvez-vous normal de licencier les salariés qui n’utilisent pas l'IA ?

Oui, ce sont des poids morts

Non, c’est cruel… il faut respecter les collaborateurs moins technophiles
Votez et commentez

Oui c'est nécessaire
Non c'est cruel
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Period when to make money ?

Period when to make money ?

The 150-yers-old Benner cycle predicted almost all major crises since the mid-1920s. It accurately foresaw the great depression, WW2, the Dot Com bubble, and the recent COVID crash.
Camille Aubain LAGUEU created a new article
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Period when to make money 🤑 | #investissement Stock economic cycle crisis

Period when to make money ?

Period when to make money ?

The 150-yers-old Benner cycle predicted almost all major crises since the mid-1920s. It accurately foresaw the great depression, WW2, the Dot Com bubble, and the recent COVID crash.
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Chinese scientists convert coal into protein to answer animal feed demand

South China Morning Post

South China Morning Post

A new low-cost method of creating protein will help answer the soaring global demand for animal feed.