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Quebec vehicle registration fees are going up
Sorry, Montreal drivers — but you're going to have to pay a lot more in vehicle registration fees next year. The Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) has announced that the tax it collects on passenger vehicles registered in Greater Montre
Sentiment d’insécurité et criminalité
«Je pense que la situation est alarmante» -Marc Ouimet
[...]Selon le rapport annuel du SPVM présenté lundi, le sentiment d’insécurité des Montréalais et la criminalité sont en hausse dans la métropole.[...]
« Achetez du Bitcoin !!! » – Le milliardaire Ricardo Salinas Pliego estime que la cryptomonnaie est la meilleure défense contre l’inflation
[...]Le milliardaire et cryptophile Ricardo Salinas Pliego a commenté la situation économique préoccupante du Nigeria, et incité les habitants du pays à acheter du Bitcoin (BTC). Quels sont ses arguments ?[...]
La Banque du Canada abaisse son taux directeur de 25 points de base à 4,75 %. La banque dit être confiante de voir l'inflation revenir à 2 %. Cela dit, elle affirme que « des risques entourent encore les perspectives d’inflation. »
Source: Publication de François Fillon sur Facebook.
À surveiller: Banque Laurentienne, Dollarama et Saputo
À surveiller: Banque Laurentienne, Dollarama et Saputo
Shares : c'est quoi cette appli d'investissement soutenue par les soeurs Williams ?
This book is educational and actionable
The number one thing we believe is that great founders can look like anyone and come from anywhere. Based on circumstances beyond their control, many entrepreneurs are missing the tactical knowledge to build an investor network and raise money.
This book will dive deep into practical questions like:
● Should I raise from angel investors or venture capitalists?
● What do all the fundraising stages mean?
● What do equity, SAFEs, and dilution mean?
● How do I determine my startup’s valuation?
● Why are cap tables, shares, and vesting so important?
● Where should I incorporate my company?
● When is the best time to start fundraising?
● What exactly should I include in my pitch deck?
● How should I structure my first meeting with an investor?
● What questions will early-stage VCs ask me?
● How do I build authentic relationships with investors?
● What happens if an investor says no or ghosts me?
● What should I expect after an investor verbally commits?
And so much more.
If you’re a first-time founder building a tech startup, this book will teach you how to fundraise from the pre-seed stage all the way to your Series A.
Ready? Let’s dive in.