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Le général français Richoux propose d’\infester\ le monde \avec des fake news\, comme \ça a été fait\ en Afrique
C'est ainsi que l'ancien militaire et Général français souhaite "contrer le narratif" russe alors que l'interview de Vladimir Poutine à Tucker Carlson fait la une de la presse mondiale ce vendredi 9 février 2024!

20 Most Common Investing Mistakes

This infographic is primarily geared toward public equity investing.

The 20 concepts are practical, and some bleed over into the world of cognitive biases, which I'll also hopefully have time to delve a little deeper into within the next few weeks.

Here's a summary of the 20 mistakes:

1. Expecting Too Much
2. No Investment Goals
3. Not Diversifying
4. Focusing on the Short Term
5. Buying High and Selling Low
6. Trading Too Much
7. Paying Too Much in Fees
8. Focusing Too Much on Taxes
9. Not Reviewing Investments Regularly
10. Misunderstanding Risk
11. Not Knowing Your Performance
12. Reacting to the Media
13. Forgetting About Inflation
14. Trying to Time the Market
15. Not Doing Due Diligence
16. Working With the Wrong Advisor
17. Investing With Emotions
18. Chasing Yield
19. Neglecting to Start
20. Not Controlling What You Can
Great Insight: over the past 22 years, I've observed a common mistake among investors committing between $20 million to USD 5 billion, where 99% fall into the trap of serial no 1: High expectations. Mostly, in such cases, most ventures make small money, and soon, the startup (turned into a large corporation) starts playing musical chairs.

#investmentinsights #financialobservations #investormistakes #wealthmanagement #investmentexpectations

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Une société française a inventé un moyen de paiement qui utilise uniquement le corps humain et il est déjà utilisé pour faire ses courses dans de nombreux magasins

Une société française a inventé un moyen de paiement qui utilise uniquement le corps humain et il est déjà utilisé pour faire ses courses dans de nombreux magasins -

Une société française a inventé un moyen de paiement qui utilise uniquement le corps humain et il est déjà utilisé pour faire ses courses dans de nombreux magasins -

Dans un futur proche, avoir sa carte bancaire ou même son smartphone sur soi ne sera même plus nécessaire pour effectuer des paiements en magasin. En Chine et aux États-Unis, une nouvelle méthode émerge, et une entreprise française fait partie des pi
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Le Canada peu attrayant pour les épiciers?

La jeunesse qui Pleure En Chanson

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*The invisible technology moving money: embedded finance*

The invisible technology moving money: embedded finance - Financial Times - Partner Content by FIS

The invisible technology moving money: embedded finance - Financial Times - Partner Content by FIS

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*Globalive's Lacavera says deal in place to acquire Wealth One Bank of Canada*

Globalive's Lacavera says deal in place to acquire Wealth One Bank of Canada

Globalive's Lacavera says deal in place to acquire Wealth One Bank of Canada

TORONTO - Globalive Capital Inc. founder Anthony Lacavera says the investment firm has entered into an agreement to acquire Wealth One Bank of Canada.
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Les Accents Africains avec Samia Orosemane
Les Camerounais, vous avez raison, vous êtes les (in)continentais.
Vous souffrez d'incontinence verbale.

We are going to launch a full crypto exchange under #xenn brand name in March if we have money.
#xenn$ will be unveiled and floated there.
We can list third-party assets if they meet our due diligence, custody and liquidity requirements.
XENN EXCHANGE will be purely for Crypto and open for users, merchants and market makers.
Anyone wise in African will take advantage of it to convert their toxic local currency to Crypto (XENN$, BTC, ETH, USDC) to avoid inflation and devaluation.
To win in Africa, we need a competitive edge driven by #crypto.
Something that will give us control instead of relying on banks and other Fintechs.
Our #msb license extends to Virtual Currency Exchange, Crowdfunding and PSP.


We are going to launch a full crypto exchange under #xenn brand name in March if we have money.
#xenn$ will be unveiled and floated there.
We can list third-party assets if they meet our due diligence, custody and liquidity requirements.
XENN EXCHANGE will be purely for Crypto and open for users, merchants and market makers.
Anyone wise in African will take advantage of it to convert their toxic local currency to Crypto (XENN$, BTC, ETH, USDC) to avoid inflation and devaluation.
To win in Africa, we need a competitive edge driven by #crypto.
Something that will give us control instead of relying on banks and other Fintechs.
Our #msb license extends to Virtual Currency Exchange, Crowdfunding and PSP.
